quiet spaces wisdom tools things we love

Watch Radiant One: The Movie, and Remember the Truth

"Don't fit in. It's boring, unoriginal, and ordinary. Trust me, you're so much more than that!" Cheryl Richardson

TwinFlame - A musical meditation for effortless transformation creating miracles on a daily basis.

The WellspringSolution.com. . .
a wellspring of inspiration and guidance to live your dreams from the heart.

Consider what it would be like to live life fully and authentically, experiencing love, prosperity, ease, freedom and fun. You are equipped with all the tools to shift any obstacle into a transformational opportunity. You become fearless....

Hand-Held Wooden Labyrinth with Bag and Easel (5x5 inches) from Veriditas Labyrinth Gift Store

A quick way to destress, focus and receive answers.

Your Money Breakthrough

YourMoneyBreakthrough.com, ChoosingProsperity.com, ProsperityPortal.com
A place to realize (make real) your innate ability to create prosperity...from the inside-out.

Are you ready to Choose Prosperity?
... not just want it.
... not wistfully imagine it.
... not complain that you don’t have it...

Are you ready to Choose Prosperity?
... deliberately?
... sincerely?
... with every fiber of your being?

Because Prosperity is a choice... a choice available to every one of us.

Empower PartiesEmpowerParties.com - group coaching to unlock your passion, potential, and purpose for joyful living. Join Bonnie Snyder, founding coach, or one of the other coaches, for a life-changing experience

Bonnie Snyder, Creator of the The Virtual Spa™

Call 727/230-9160 for the group coaching gift!

... ready to let go, forgive and move on guilt-free. Visit Radical Forgiveness

The Secret DVD

Click here to purchase
The Secret (Extended Edition)

The Secret is a feature length movie presentation which reveals The Great Secret of the universe. It has been passed throughout the ages, traveling through centuries...

The beautiful, healing music for our Virtual Spa was inspired and created by Amy Camie, acoustic harpist. Many spa rooms feature music from her album A Space Within. Also now available is the CD, The Magic Mirror and Dreams - the love within.

The Wild Divine Project provides multimedia solutions to promote self-care and wellness...the art and science of balanced living.

A movie about possibilities. How would you like to experience your life?

Soul full LivingSoulfulliving.com - online magazine community devoted to personal and spiritual growth, self help and self improvement.

Happy for No Reason - Marci SchimoffHappyForNoReason.com

The Happiness Project - Dr. Robert Holden, a pioneer in the field of positive psychology and well-being.