Using what's inside to come alive!

Do you find yourself:

...busy surviving, not living your passions and thriving?

...overwhelmed, exhausted, lost in a downward spiral of stress & worry?

...worn out trying to fix yourself and everyone else?

Aren't there times you've bought a product in a bottle or box that you thought would make your life better? Haven't you been caught in the trap--the trap of thinking that the product in the box or bottle was really the answer? We've all been caught in that trap! What might happen if you aren't careful, is you'll look in the wrong direction and miss what you're really looking to find...because it's not outside in a bottle or a's inside.

How would it feel to be confident in all of your choices?

What you may be looking for is so magnificent it can't be contained inside a bottle or box. It has more magic and scientific proof it works if you decide it's for you.

What you may be looking for is the natural path to happiness. On this path, there are stepping stones to meet you where you are and gentle reminders to guide you on the path of your heart. As you walk on this path, you will discover the secrets of thriving and moving forward with ease, feeling confident, find your gifts your passions. This system is called the Natural Path to Happiness©, a powerful system of eight heart-centered modules that naturally and organically put you on the right path for you...right now!

When you walk the Natural Path to Happiness©, you can choose stepping stones that are the best fit for you. The stepping stones will guide you naturally, taking you on the perfect path for you to a healthier body, better relationships and a sense of wellbeing and peace despite the outside world. When you walk this path, your life will change... you'll be happier and what you need will come to you more easily.

Walk the Natural Path to Happiness© and enjoy prosperity, wellbeing, and freedom within yourself…in your relationships at home and at work.

What are the Natural Paths to Happiness©?

1. A module system of eight powerful, energizing ebooks (coming soon) that will put you on the path to creating your life with fewer struggles and more ease. You will discover how to have a genuine sense of peace and well-being, have more fun and create the life you’ve always wanted (despite the outside circumstances). Read a sample of the Natural Path to Happiness© Introduction here!

The first step for happiness…
" lay the foundation by taking ownership of your happiness….
believing you can be happy…"

~ Marci Shimoff author of Happy for No Reason

The Natural Path to Happiness© Smelling the Roses Package
Step 1:
Click Here to Read a Sample of Natural Path to Happiness© Introduction

(It's like having your own personal happiness guide!)
Step 2:
Purchase downloadable NPTH Introduction and Module 1 - Smelling the Roses Pays Off the first step
to Natural Path to Happiness©and also receive the Class Audio Recording of Module 1 (MP3)

Step 3:

De-stress with a download version of Gossamer Wings CD included with the Module One purchase
Activate your best self—release what's not working.
ou'll never be the same person again.

Downloadable Introduction and Module One
Only $79.95
Limited Time Offer Only $59.00

The Natural Path of Strengths: Smelling the Roses Pays Off.

The first in a series of 8

Plus the Audio for Module 1 in MP3 format


Extra Bonus:
Gossamer Wings Downloadable CD
value ($14.95)

Both for a Special Introductory Rate:

Limited Time Offer Now Only $59.00

See how easily you can create better health, success, more energy……
and true happiness in your life.

Want to explore more of the Natural Path to Happiness©?
Click here to learn more


Corporate Customers: Please call 727/230-9160 or
email for pricing.




“The Natural Path to Happiness modules are excellent and informative. The techniques were easy to understand and use. I definitely notice a difference when I incorporate them in my day. I really like how taking just a few minutes to use these ideas have positively affected my life.”
~ Marsha, environmental researcher GA

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“After I took the signature strengths I realized that when I was using my strengths that's when I was happiest. It was not only the strengths on the inventories. When I focus on my strengths—what I do do well—and stay positive, my days are much better. The Natural Path to Happiness really makes sense.” ~ Julie, Real Estate Broker, FL


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